Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Let's Stop Pretending

Here is my response to the following article I read on Facebook. When I realized that I was having
a conversation with myself about the article, I knew that a blog post was in order.

Let’s stop pretending you don’t do these 58 annoying things when you fly

When this came up on my Facebook feed this morning, I just could not resist clicking on it to see if I
do any of these annoying things when I fly. I was certain that I was not going to be guilty of any
of these travel trangressions,and I did manage to read all the way through the annoying Check In
list without seeing any of my behavior. Alas, then I got to the Security list and number 5--walking to
TSA PreCheck with your head up like a royal--jumped out at me. I have to confess that I surely do that.
I feel so superior when I don’t have to take off my shoes or get my computer out of my bag.
Silly, I know.

In the Pre-Flight list I realized I was completely guilty of  #12--taking up an entire row with my bags/luggage in a crowded gate area.  I just like my personal space; and, I make the effort to show up early to stake out said row near charging stations.  And in a crowded gate area most of the rows are only 3 seats--one for my bags, one for me, and one for the food/drink I am consuming.  On that one, I say show up early and get your preferred seat(s) near your gate.

Onto the Boarding list, number 20--pretending you’re in a music video or a movie as you look out
the airplane window with your headphones on--is one that I have caught myself doing more than once.
I have my own ELF #1.In my best, loud teacher voice, I have been known to say,
“There is a line and YOU are not in it” or “We are in line and the back is that way.”  
I take no guff from the people who are trying to make excuses; please, gentle travelers,
board with YOUR group for heaven’s sake. Teachers really cannot stand people who cut in line;
it’s a hazard of the job.

The In Flight list (the longest of the sections) only had a few violations for which I have been
responsible.  First, there is #23--claiming an outlet as soon as you sit down. Again, I have learned to
watch out for myself as politeness and civility are often checked at the airplane door.  Next comes
28--taking note of which TV shows/movies/books/magazines other people are watching/reading
and promptly judging said choices. So the guy intently reading The Economist is probably smarter
and richer than I am but he is rude so that evens that out, I get tickled at the lady reading 50 Shades
of Grey and trying to hide it. I mean if you are going to read that book in paperback, own it, honey!
Also, watching FOX news makes me think many unkind things about your intellect.
I know I am an intellectual snob. Number 35 is one I almost always violate--laughing way too loud
with your headphones on at the corny in-flight movie or worse, singing Sweet Home Alabama
aloud when it comes up on my playlist! Most other passengers are either asleep or in their own
headphone worlds, but occasionally I see someone smile or giggle at me. I have also been know to
do #41--turning around and giving a look like, You best NOT be doing that again alluding to kicking my
seat.  I use my universal, irritated teacher look and it usually works (sometimes better on children than

I actually don’t do any of the things listed in the Landing section.  

Finally, in the Arrival section, I know that I definitely do #58--pretending that everyone else is the
annoying traveler, not you, because you’re cool and nice and a seasoned traveler so why would
anyone have any reason to believe otherwise?  And hey, I only did eight out of 58 annoying things,
and I am a Delta Platinum member, too. I truly am a seasoned traveler and a bit of a travel snob,
but I am sure that I do get bothersome sometimes.

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