Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Luke was born a decade ago!

March 20, 2013

Ten years ago today, I was teaching a group of Tuscaloosa County teachers how to do stuff with Intel Teach to the Future at the old Alternative School in Holt. It was our second or third meeting and we had gotten very comfortable with each other.  I found out the night before that my sister, Lindy, was being induced the following day--yes, the day of my workshop.  Usually, the teachers and I took a lunch hour and went to civilization to enjoy sustenance, but on that day, I took snacks and drinks from Sam's so we could finish by 2:00 and I could go to the hospital to see Lindy and the new baby.  We boogied through our workshop that day and were packing up my stuff when my mom called to tell me it was going to be soon and I needed to hightail it to DCH if I wanted to see Luke be born.  My wonderful teacher colleagues were rushing around helping me pack the car, getting the lights turned off and the doors locked so I could go.

And I made it! I was there for the most amazing thing I have ever witnessed in my life--the birth of my nephew Luke.  He was a beautiful newborn and I was in awe of my sister.  We oohed and aahed over him and then let him and Lindy rest.  I came back that night to check on them after the hubbub had settled down. Lindy wanted to be sure that Luke had a new baby page on the day he was born just like I had done for Hallie Grace so we had a little photo shoot in the hospital room with me, Lindy, and brand new Luke. Click here to go to the page.

I love all of Lindy's kids, but seeing Luke be born has always made him have a special place in my heart.  I have enjoyed his "cwazy hair", his singing before he could talk, his funny impersonations, and his winning personality for ten years.  He is truly a special young man who is growing up way too fast. I visited his class today and took him 10 gifts to commemorate 10 years and took his class a snack to enjoy this afternoon after PE.  Love you lots, Luke!

1 comment:

fireflytrails said...

Luke is so cute. I know he is glad to have you in his life. What wonderful memories you all have made together!