Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Best Friends

Slice of Life March 19, 2013
Today, I talked to my friend Luanne. We met when I first visited Mt. Zion High School in December of 1990.  She and I really hit it off and she made me feel very welcome. I ended up taking that job teaching Latin and English at Mt. Zion for the 1991-92 school year.  On the first day of pre-planning, Luanne gave me a card and a purse calendar since it was my birthday. I was so surprised and grateful because it was hard being away from my family and on my own on that birthday.

We became fast friends. I only worked with her for one year, but we have been friends ever since.  Because I moved around a lot as a child, only my brother and sister are my remaining friends from childhood. Luanne, however, has been there with me for over 22 years; we have both had good times and bad, but we have been there either in person or on the phone or in cards and notes or on email.  I am blessed to have such a friend!


fireflytrails said...

Wow - how lucky you are to ave such a good friend! And it sounds like she is lucky to have you, too.

Unknown said...

Interesting article, thanks for posting!

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