Wednesday, March 06, 2013

March Webinar for SIGTE

Join us Thursday, March 21st, at 6:00PM EST online in Adobe Connect for our next SIGTE webinar on Integrating Videogames in a Teacher Preparation Program.  Our presenter, Ryen Borden, will talk about how the Sanford Inspire Program at Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College is using video games to prepare teachers with critical knowledge and skills.  The first of these games is designed to help pre-service teachers understand the importance of professionalism, a concept that involves competencies such as asset-based thinking and interpersonal awareness.  The game is integrated with coursework in the undergraduate teacher preparation program.  The game provides students an opportunity to develop their professional teacher identities, grapple with challenging scenarios, fail in a safe environment, receive immediate feedback, and have fun while learning. We see this as an innovative way to introduce concepts that teachers need to understand, as well as prepare them to use games as a tool for teaching and learning in their own future classrooms.

View the recent Arizona State University Press release about the video game:

1 comment:

fireflytrails said...

This sounds fascinating - what a good integration of technology and education (about education!).